Friday, September 14, 2012

Word Games

Our current generation, exposed to games with realistic graphics, has developed little interest regarding classic word games.

Only a few teens now feel the excitement and fun in playing word games such as Word Factory, Scrabble, and Super Text Twist.

Perhaps they feel that these games are old school and not of this generation's, that such games are part of the adults and parents' growing years and are hardly part of the "now". However, we cannot blame the technological advancements that has been (and still is) happening in our world.

These word games have been replaced by cognitive-driven games like Tetris and Bejeweled which, too, are classic games;

nonetheless, word games are of more use when it comes to practicality since words are used in our everyday lives and are means of communicating and expressing one’s ideas and feelings. These types of games may be considered boring since they just involve words unlike games that have captivating characters and plot and/or story lines.


Teens of today must not forget that the word games came first and have been helpful in our development. Yes, games like Plants Versus Zombies, too, help in reading, learning new words and as well as in developing cognitive skills… but it doesn’t have the fun and excitement that some players get from word games. Discovering new words is something helpful since it widens our vocabulary. Learning that the words you sometimes make up are actually real words, gives you the feeling of serendipity. The time limit that is often given adds to pressure and makes the players think faster and be more imaginative in processing and thinking of possible, existing and rare words.

Post by: Ernest Benjamin D. Arbado
